We all know hundreds of people who are currently working it or have tried it in the past. So, why are we so skeptical? Why is there a shadow cast on each Facebook invite or Instagram post?
Why do we continually doubt those who claim to have success in this industry? Why? Because people are not adequately informed.
To keep up in a super competitive market, people are going to have to learn a new skill set. Those in network marketing will lead the way.
It is a very viable option for those who are looking for a flexible job with unlimited income. It is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be their own boss. It is a very viable option for those who are looking for a flexible job with unlimited income. It is a great opportunity for someone who wants to be their own boss.
So the question is – is it legit?
Well as with any business there has to be a Wiling buyer of services and/or products transacting with a willing Seller of said products and services.
Some services and products are intangible in the short term such as life insurance or annuities. However for the most part when products and services are legally traded for financial remuneration – this is considered a viable and legitimate commercial transaction!
So answer these question:
- Does your company and/or business have tangible product/s?
- Does its products have real world application/s?
- Do you personally use the products and/ or services repeatedly?
- Are your clients, for the most part, return customers?
- Are your return customers happy with the products and services rendered?
- Do you benefit in sales commission for facilitating the legitimate commercial transaction?
- Are you able to without restriction, freely recruit friends, family and others, to work for you of their own accord to re-sell products and services that you currently retail to them?
- Are friends, family and others obligated to sell for you or do they have the choice to simply be end-users of the products and/or services?
- To the best of your knowledge is there anything illegal about the actual product or service being sold?
- Do you personally believe that there is always a chain of benefit in play no matter what the level?
And there you have it!
For as long as you can determine that there is always benefit being derived by everyone in the chain, even to the end-user who might simply be a product consumer with no interest in re-selling or recruiting, then let your conscience be at ease!
You are a digital entrepreneur with your very own legitimate direct-selling business model at play. Next stop – Success City!