I am pretty certain that we all have that utopian version of how we see our lives embedded deep in the recesses of our minds! You know what I’m talking about ofcourse! That image you’ve imagined as the best possible version of you.
And it’s not a one shoe fits all vision by any means. For some wealth and it’s adornments (or trappings) is paramount. Fast cars, a house on the water, a Rolex on the wrist and a jet set lifestyle equates to enviable success.
For others, it’s a matter of having that perfect or near perfect bikini-body or lean, defined six-pack and the guns to match!
There are a myriad of options that are all based on our worldview, life perspective and priorities. Whatever the choices and options, there is always one thing in common – the nagging if somewhat melancholy thought that haunts us as we lay our heads down at night, “If only I could reboot my life!“
Well what’s stopping you?
Do you think you’re too old? Too young maybe? Not courageous enough? Or just maybe too lazy to take on a life change? Whatever the reason or rationale I’m here with the proverbial “firecracker up your backside!” – the TRUTH!
My wife Wendy and I are practicing Christians. We are actually ministers of the Gospel and have been for over 20 years!
We’re not the stereotypical finger wagging, holier-than-thou types but we certainly are rooted deep to our core in the expression of our faith and beliefs. I only say that to give you a context of the many Scriptural precepts and principles we live by and will often quote. In this instance, the words of Christ ring eternal – “The Truth shall set you free!”
Sometimes we just need to take stock of where we are. To take a good, hard long look into the mirror of life and assess the reflection. Most times, if not all the time, we usually, if truthful, conclude that something’s gotta change!
If you are honest with yourself you will realise that you are never too old to do something novel.
You are never too young to do something monumental.
You are never too far gone to change your current situation.
You are never too unqualified to take on and conquer your personal mountains!
You can do anything you set your mind to! All it takes is a little bit of commitment to the course of action you embark on and a whole lot of support and encouragement!
And that’s pretty much what we at Destiny by Design are all about. We’re here to support you, encourage you, motivate you when you’re feeling like you just can’t make it, like you want to throw in the towel and call it a day!
We’re here to offer you a kind word, guidance and support and (as the situation may require) a firm kick in the seat of your pants combined with a healthy dose of reality-check!
Forget what lies behind. You can re-invent yourself and forge the Future you have always dreamt of. It’s time to reveal You! v2.0 The Reboot to the world.
The One Thing That Really Matters!
Most of you have stumbled upon this blog because you are considering either joining our digital entrepreneurship family or have already done so and are on your way to Success City! Whatever stage of the process you’re at, the only thing that matters is to never let anyone tell you that you are not able to accomplish your goals. You don’t need that toxicity in your life. This applies to absolutely everything in your life!
Self-driven, successful people who have carved out their dreams from the marble of reality seem to more often that not refer to the handful of people who believed in them and supported them. That laid the foundation for their achievements and triumphs!
So on that note – surround yourself with like minded people who are pursuing the same transformations, life changes, goals, targets and reboots that you are. It will make your journey more enjoyable and certainly more rewarding.
Remember – You’ve Got This!