Network marketing is similar to affiliate marketing. When you sign up to start a business with a network marketing company, you sell their products or services as their independent representative. You then earn a commission on each of those sales. It’s not rocket science really! It’s been around forever. Ever since the first bright spark thought, “I need a salesforce!”
Essentially, it’s a business in a box without all the extra overheads or high initial start-up costs with traditional style business. The network marketing company has the products already developed, the training and marketing material for you to implement and use. Your responsibility as an independent consultant is to use and recommend the products in a genuine and honest manner. When people make a purchase, this is when you earn money.
Network marketing is based upon word of mouth recommendations. Generally, companies do not pay for advertising and miss out the middlemen when you compare their production system to those of products sold within high street shops.
How Does It Work?
A secondary way of growing your business (and where the big money is) within network marketing is by growing your team. For each person, you introduce to your network marketing company and they choose to sign up and begin their own business too, you earn a commission for this also.
Then, when they begin to grow their team, essentially this is what is known as your downline. For every subsequent person introduced to the business, are included in your downline
Where levels come in, relates to growing your team. Initially, when you first join, you are a part of someone else’s team, but you yourself are a team of one.
When you introduce so many other business members and also make a certain number of sales, you can move up different levels within your companies compensation plan.
Each company has its own unique compensation plan. The great thing about MLM where it varies compared to the corporate role is that individuals who join your team are not limited in their earning potential depending upon which level you are at.
Each team member is responsible for their own business growth. If you decided to not do much work, or share your products, you aren’t going to grow and expand your business, hence won’t move up a promotional level.
Whereas, if the person you introduced to your business did put in consistent work, introduced more people to the business and made more sales in the process, they don’t have to stay the promotional level below you. They can move above your promotional level, reflecting on the work they have implemented and grown their business.
Ultimately levelling up or ‘ranking’ is the true test of growth in your Multi-Level Network marketing entrepreneurship!